The Commissioner has a strategic plan for the period 2022 to 2025, which outlines our vision and values, our statutory powers and our strategic objectives. Click here to read it.
The Commissioner’s powers and responsibilities are set out in the Welsh Language Measure (Wales) 2011. The Commissioner’s principal statutory aim is to promote and facilitate the use of the Welsh language. In doing so, the Commissioner must work towards increasing the provision of Welsh language services and other opportunities to use the language.
The Commissioner must also have regard to:
- the official status of the Welsh language in Wales
- the duties to use the Welsh language which have been set by the Welsh Language Standards, and the rights which arise from enforcing those duties
- the principle that the Welsh language should be treated no less favourably than the English language in Wales
- the principle that persons in Wales should be able to live their lives through the medium of the Welsh language if they choose to do so.
Our vision is of a Wales where people can live their life in Welsh.
We have four strategic objectives that contribute towards achieving our vision:
- Ensure fairness, justice and rights for Welsh speakers
- Ensure that the Welsh language is a central consideration in policy and legislation
- Maintain and increase organisations’ compliance with their statutory duties
- Increase the use of Welsh by organisations across all sectors
These objectives will be implemented through a series of measurable priorities over the next three years. The priorities are the basis for the initiatives and projects in our annual operational plan.
Our core values
- Respecting everyone is at the heart of everything we do.
- Trusting and being open with one another is fundamental to our workplace culture.
- We deal with all aspects of our work fairly, honestly and consistently.
- Working with others in an appropriate and innovative way is important to us.