On these pages you can gain easy access to some of the main resources available to help us understand the position of the Welsh language: Census data and the Commissioner’s 5-year reports.

The importance of understanding the position of the Welsh language
We undertake research into many different aspects of the Welsh language in order to:
plan strategic interventions;
support our work in influencing policy;
produce policy notes and respond to consultations in a meaningful way;
produce reports that show how organisations are performing and reports on the user experience;
produce resources to assist and encourage organisations, charities and businesses of all kinds to use the Welsh language;
produce a statutory report every 5 years on the position of the Welsh language.
The Commissioner and the Welsh Government are committed to sharing information and identifying opportunities to collaborate on statistics and research relating to the Welsh language, where appropriate.

How can academics contribute to the Commissioner's work?
Our research interests on the Welsh language are extensive and academic engagement and knowledge exchange can benefit both academic researchers and the Commissioner.
If you would like more information about our policy and research priorities or if you have any research you would like to share with us, please contact us.