Register of Interests - Leadership Team
Management Team
Provide details of any position or employment held by a member of your family with an organisation that is liable to have to comply with standards, subject to a language plan or organisation associated with the functions of the Welsh Language Commissioner.
Husband – Councillor, Radyr and Morgantown Community Council
Husband – Governor, Plasmawr Comprehensive School
Husband – Justice of the Peace
Please give details of any interest held by you or a family member in relevant property i.e. land or intellectual property held, acquired by money provided by Welsh Ministers.
Please give the names of any companies or other bodies in which you have, either alone or with or on behalf of a family member, a beneficial interest in shares.
Please detail any remunerated directorships held by you in any company including directorships which are individually unremunerated but where the remuneration is paid through another company in the same group.
Please give details of any relevant employment - that is any remunerated employment, office held, professions etc that might affect the carrying out of your duties within the Welsh Language Commissioner.
Arts Council of Wales – Public – Literature Officer
Urdd Gobaith Cymru – Charity – Director of Development, Chief Executive.
National Centre for Welsh Language Learning – Public – Chief Executive.
Please give details of any voluntary and / or public offices held.
Please give details of any sponsorship or financial or material support that you receive from any organisation falling within the Welsh Language Commissioner’s sphere of statutory responsibility.
Please give details of any significant political activity that you are involved in, for example holding office in a political party or standing as a nominated candidate for a political party.
Please give details of any other relevant interests, including significant interest of close family members, i.e. ones which might influence your judgement, deliberation or action within the Welsh Language Commissioner, or which might be perceived by a reasonable member of the public as doing so.
Father : Chairman, Dyfodol i'r Iaith
Husband: Columnist, Golwg
Me: Part owner of a flat
You should note any close friend who has a relevant professional interest in the Commissioner’s work and which could appear, to a reasonable person, to be able to influence your judgment. This means a close relationship rather than an acquaintance.
Provide details of any position or employment held by a member of your family with an organisation that is liable to have to comply with standards, subject to a language plan or organisation associated with the functions of the Welsh Language Commissioner.
Partner: (Wales) Organiser with the National Teaching Union (NEU)
Brother works as a town and country planner with Flintshire County Council.
Please give details of any interest held by you or a family member in relevant property i.e. land or intellectual property held, acquired by money provided by Welsh Ministers.
Please give the names of any companies or other bodies in which you have, either alone or with or on behalf of a family member, a beneficial interest in shares.
Please detail any remunerated directorships held by you in any company including directorships which are individually unremunerated but where the remuneration is paid through another company in the same group.
Director, Taldrws Ltd (Without Pay).
Please give details of any relevant employment - that is any remunerated employment, office held, professions etc that might affect the carrying out of your duties within the Welsh Language Commissioner.
Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol – Academic – Academic Coordinator.
Welsh Language Board – Public – Unit Leader.
Mudiad Meithrin – Charity – Board Member
Big Lottery Fund – Public – Language Officer
Please give details of any voluntary and / or public offices held.
Elusen Ogwen, Chair.
Please give details of any sponsorship or financial or material support that you receive from any organisation falling within the Welsh Language Commissioner’s sphere of statutory responsibility.
Please give details of any significant political activity that you are involved in, for example holding office in a political party or standing as a nominated candidate for a political party.
Please give details of any other relevant interests, including significant interest of close family members, i.e. ones which might influence your judgement, deliberation or action within the Welsh Language Commissioner, or which might be perceived by a reasonable member of the public as doing so.
Part owner of a farm.
You should note any close friend who has a relevant professional interest in the Commissioner’s work and which could appear, to a reasonable person, to be able to influence your judgment. This means a close relationship rather than an acquaintance.
Dyfan Sion, Strategic Director with the Welsh Language Commissioner until December 2022, now holds a position with responsibility for the Welsh language with Anglesey Council.
Provide details of any position or employment held by a member of your family with an organisation that is liable to have to comply with standards, subject to a language plan or organisation associated with the functions of the Welsh Language Commissioner.
Please give details of any interest held by you or a family member in relevant property i.e. land or intellectual property held, acquired by money provided by Welsh Ministers.
Please give the names of any companies or other bodies in which you have, either alone or with or on behalf of a family member, a beneficial interest in shares.
Please detail any remunerated directorships held by you in any company including directorships which are individually unremunerated but where the remuneration is paid through another company in the same group.
Please give details of any relevant employment - that is any remunerated employment, office held, professions etc that might affect the carrying out of your duties within the Welsh Language Commissioner.
Please give details of any voluntary and / or public offices held.
Lay Member, Adjudication Panel Wales
Please give details of any sponsorship or financial or material support that you receive from any organisation falling within the Welsh Language Commissioner’s sphere of statutory responsibility.
Please give details of any significant political activity that you are involved in, for example holding office in a political party or standing as a nominated candidate for a political party.
Please give details of any other relevant interests, including significant interest of close family members, i.e. ones which might influence your judgement, deliberation or action within the Welsh Language Commissioner, or which might be perceived by a reasonable member of the public as doing so.
You should note any close friend who has a relevant professional interest in the Commissioner’s work and which could appear, to a reasonable person, to be able to influence your judgment. This means a close relationship rather than an acquaintance.
Llinos Medi, MP for Anglesey.
Provide details of any position or employment held by a member of your family with an organisation that is liable to have to comply with standards, subject to a language plan or organisation associated with the functions of the Welsh Language Commissioner.
Partner – Civil Servant, Welsh Government
Please give details of any interest held by you or a family member in relevant property i.e. land or intellectual property held, acquired by money provided by Welsh Ministers.
Please give the names of any companies or other bodies in which you have, either alone or with or on behalf of a family member, a beneficial interest in shares.
Please detail any remunerated directorships held by you in any company including directorships which are individually unremunerated but where the remuneration is paid through another company in the same group.
Please give details of any relevant employment - that is any remunerated employment, office held, professions etc that might affect the carrying out of your duties within the Welsh Language Commissioner.
Qualifications Wales – Head of Regulatory Policy.
Please give details of any voluntary and / or public offices held.
Please give details of any sponsorship or financial or material support that you receive from any organisation falling within the Welsh Language Commissioner’s sphere of statutory responsibility.
Please give details of any significant political activity that you are involved in, for example holding office in a political party or standing as a nominated candidate for a political party.
Please give details of any other relevant interests, including significant interest of close family members, i.e. ones which might influence your judgement, deliberation or action within the Welsh Language Commissioner, or which might be perceived by a reasonable member of the public as doing so.
You should note any close friend who has a relevant professional interest in the Commissioner’s work and which could appear, to a reasonable person, to be able to influence your judgment. This means a close relationship rather than an acquaintance.