Strategic Plan

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The Welsh Language Commissioner is an independent body established by the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011. This document explains the Commissioner's corporate strategic plan for a period of three years from 2022 to 2025.

This notes the Commissioner’s ambitious long-term vision and includes the strategic objectives and priorities that will contribute towards achieving that vision. It also explains our corporate values and the way in which we will implement the strategy and report on outcomes.

We are committed to achieving the priorities in this plan and we will measure progress regularly and review achievements through our annual report. The delivery of the strategy will be reviewed during the final year as we begin to prepare for the next strategic plan. We will engage with members of the public and stakeholders in developing future priorities and objectives.

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Our Vision


The Commissioner has an ambitious long-term vision to ensure that people can use the Welsh language in all aspects of their lives and in all parts of Wales. Our vision is: A Wales where people can live their life in Welsh.

Our Values

Respecting everyone we work with is at the heart of everything we do.

Being open and trusting one another is fundamental to our workplace culture.

We deal with all aspects of our work fairly, honestly, and consistently.

Working with others in an appropriate and progressive way is important to us.

Our Values

Strategic Objectives

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Implementing and enabling

The achievement of the Commissioner's strategic objectives is dependent on effective implementation and administration. This requires high standards of financial control, an appropriate governance framework and a corporate culture that supports the well-being and development of the workforce. Communicating information and promoting all aspects of the Commissioner's work are also important int achieving our objectives. To support the Commissioner's work and our plans, we will be focusing on the following themes:

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Reporting and accountability

This strategic plan will be implemented through annual operational plans, including specific projects and activities that will contribute towards our strategic objectives and three-year priorities.

We have a series of indicators that will enable us to measure and report on the achievement of this plan and review our success at the end of the three years. The management team will lead on scrutinising the implementation of the plan and undertake regular reviews. We will ensure that there is a clear and obvious link between our strategic plan and our operational plan, and our strategic objectives will be considered when setting annual budgets. We will report on the success of this plan through our priorities and measures.

We will report on our activities and expenditure through a statutory annual report and annual accounts that will be audited by Audit Wales. The report and accounts will be published on the Commissioner's website and laid before Senedd Cymru.