Complain about the Commissioner

You can contact the Commissioner to express your concern or to submit a complaint regarding his actions. 

Before expressing a concern or submitting a complaint, you could read the Commissioner’s Complaints procedure, which is available here.    

Click here to read the 'Easy read' version of our complaints procedure.

You can express a concern or submit a complaint:  

  • By telephone
  • Speak to a member of the Welsh Language Commissioner’s staff stating that you wish for the mater to be dealt with as a formal complaint
  • Send an e-mail
  • Write a letter
  • Completing the below complaints form

This procedure had been prepared in accordance with Section 14 of the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011.

Complaints procedure about acts or omissions relating to the exercise of the Commissioner’s  functions in accordance with Section 14 of the Measure.

Has it been more than 12 months since you first became aware of the complaint?
Have you already complained to the Commissioner about this matter?
Are you filling this form out on behalf of someone else?
Please choose your preferred language for communicating with us.
How would you prefer us to contact you?

Information you supply is processed by the Welsh Language Commissioner in line with the requirements of the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act. For information on how personal data is processed please see the Welsh Language Commissioner's Office Privacy Notice.